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Tanzania: Govt to Tighten Screws On ICT Abusers

 THE government has warned that stern measures will be taken against people who use mobile phones and other types of social media to incite conflicts and go against the country's customs and norms.

The Minister for Communications, Science and Technology,
Prof Makame Mbarawa, said in Dar es Salaam over the weekend that the government has decided to take action because the abuse has been alarming.
"Strict measures will be taken against all individuals or companies who will abuse the government and its leaders; religious, political leaders and individuals," he said.
He added that such measures will be directed towards people showing pornographic pictures, child defilement and giving out information that seek to disturb the country's peace and tranquility.

"It is just few people who misuse mobile phones, email and other social media channelsÉ the law will catch up with this group wanting to destroy our nation," he said. The minister noted that despite the fact that technology has helped bring about development in recent years in the country; there are few people who use ICT negatively and that the government will not sit aside watching as things go awry.

Prof Mbarawa said there were reports of people using ICT to accomplish evil things such as banditry, rape, drugs, prostitution and releasing private information without concert of people involved. "We will not tolerate thisÉ we will work with other government agencies to stop this for the good of our country," he said.

Also, he said that any agent or a telephone company which will sell a sim card to any person without a recognized identity card will be liable. He said that it is a crime for a person to provide wrong information during sim card registration and that the government will switch off all unregistered sim cards as required by law.

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