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DOT receives $573k grant for innovation, ICT training, outreach programme

By Milad Mosapoor (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Tanzania’s Digital Opportunities Trust (DOT) has received a grant in excess of GBP390,000 (US$573,000) from the UK’s Human Development Innovation Fund (HDIF) for the launch of a combined innovation, technology training and community outreach pilot programme.
The grant supports the launch of DOT’s  “Fusion – Technology and Innovation in Formal and Informal Learning” pilot project – to be run in collaboration with Tanzania’s Vocational Education and Training Authority (VETA) –  which combines promoting technical skills and innovation in education institutes with youth outreach in local communities.
The project will combine two of DOT’s core programmes – ReachUp! and TeachUp!; ReachUp! focusing on training local college and university graduates to coach community members in technology and real skills, while the TeachUp! programme places graduates into VETA facilities to support teachers with their use of ICT in classrooms.
DOT said the new combined programme hopes to impact 2,000 Tanzanian students and out-of-school youth, as well as 120 teachers and instructors over the two year pilot.
“DOT Tanzania is very excited to be recognized as an innovative social enterprise, contributing to the country’s Big Results Now (BRN) initiative,” said Eliguard Dawson, DOT Tanzania’s country programme manager.
“Through this programme, DOT Tanzania and VETA will work together to improve the technology skills of VETA trainers and will learn new methodologies to improve both the formal and informal learning of their students.”
The pilot project will transform three VETA vocational training centres in Dar es Salaam and Morogoro into community learning hubs serving students enrolled at VETA, and out-of-school youth in the surrounding communities.
“In addition to the institutional benefits that VETA will receive in this partnership, VETA graduates will be equipped with the skills that are necessary to empower them to be job creators, not employment seekers,” said Zebadiah Moshi, Director General of VETA.
“The spill-over effect to youth-out-of-school around each VETA centre is huge.”

Dar port to become nation’s biggest revenue contributor

The Minister Of East African Cooperation Dr Harrison Mwakyembe. 

THE Dar es Salaam Port will in three year time lead in contributing to the national income if the ongoing improvements to enhance efficiency at the port are timely implemented.
The Minister of East African Cooperation Dr Harrison Mwakyembe said this in Dar es Salaam after inaugurating the first 2015 Economic Freedom of Tanzania Conference organised by Uhuru Initiative for Policy and Education.
“The government commitments to remove all red tapes at the Dar es Salaam port and adoption of latest Information and Communication Technology (ICT) are progressively changing the port performance to international standards,” he said.
Dr Mwakyembe cited among others, the introduction of the Single Customs Territory (SCT) and the recent launching of the three freight wagon train routes to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Uganda, Burundi and Rwanda.

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